Manchester Startups List

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Meet 13 designer View everyone

ID 698932

Jordan W Huxley

Postgraduate Geographer @ University of Manchester + UI/UX Designer @ RECAPP LLC + Owner @ Monkeys Writing Shakespeare LTD.

ID 655784

Ankit Patil

Graphic / Web Designer

ID 274506

Rob Marsh

Windows App Developer. PHP, MySQL, HTML5/CSS3/JS, Adwords, Analytics & Conversion tracking, Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects.

ID 177426

Alistair Adams

Manchester based startup-guy. 6 years web design and development experience. Studied a Masters in Mechanical Engineering and Robotics at @university-of-warwick.

ID 759136

Slavo Vojacek

Working at @adbrain-3

ID 455229

Carl Fairclough

UX at Formisimo. Previously worked on the design of Textburst, Timetastic & at @mediaburst-1

ID 199485

Dan Eden

Designer and developer/maker.

ID 308855

Matt Whiteley

A highly skilled and extremely motivated User Interface & User Experience designer.

ID 471592

Aniruddha Jha

Experience Designer. Metalhead. Imperfect.

ID 242586

Michela De Rossi

MA in Photography at MMU, Manchester, BA in Graphic Design at IED, Rome; fluent in Italian, Spanish and English.

ID 198193

Tom Harrop

Worked at @thales, @htc

ID 302766

Steve Dixon

I'm a designer and a developer and work on both web and iOS products. I love design as much as I do development and push myself in both areas.

ID 131285

Phil Goddard

Experienced all-round Creative and Art Director with a functional mind. Gaming ideas with a commercial angle.

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);